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The Commitment Ceremony

The Commitment Ceremony is very similar to many other wedding ceremonies;
However, rather than being a legally binding ceremony,
It is a public affirmation of a couple’s commitment to one another.
It is becoming very popular because of the omission of the legal aspect.
It is also used couples that, for some reason, are unable to marry under the law.

The Commitment Ceremony may be religious, secular, civil, or traditional.
It may be as formal or informal as the couple would like.
You only need to have The Bride, The Groom and The Officiant/Minister. Witnesses are not needed.
You will receive a non-legal,
"Keepsake Wedding Certificate".

The Rings

You may have already given each other rings (or not), and maybe now you might want wedding bands to seal your commitment. You may want to have a ring exchange ceremony. Many couples wear their commitment rings on their right hands instead of their left hands as do traditional married couple.

Suggested ceremonies for possible Commitment Ceremony are:

Hand Fasting
Hand Holding
Ring Ceremony
7 rules of a commitment couple
The Sand Ceremony
Plus many more

Weddings By Dee ~ 1-740-670-2400

Contact her at DeeKrier@windstream.net